viernes, 5 de febrero de 2010

RULES: Wish Brian Littrell "Happy Birthday" in your own language.

First, we wanna thank to everyone who already send your videos.

Second and VERY IMPORTANT: Please pay attention when we gave you instructions!
They have their reasons, we don't created just cause we wanted to.

• The idea is MAKE A VIDEO, so if you send us greetings to Brian to our mail,
please ONLY the videos we requested you.
Please understand that we will send a VIDEO to Brian, we will try to he see the video, but we're not connected directly to him. So if you send to us greetings, or you write somethimg to us, or whatever...he obviously will not see them.
This is really important that everyone understand,
cause it's a lot of spam to us.

• Another thing about rules are, the 10 seconds and the "Happy Birthday" saying
We know everyone wanna give Brian their best wishes.
But if we want that EVERYONE (in the world) be part of this, that's not possible
so...that's why the video saying "HAPPY BDAY"(in your OWN LANGUAGE) it's maximum 10 seconds..then you lucky would say "Happy BDay Brian, i love you" (in your OWN LANGUAGE in 10 SECONDS MAX)

Thank you.


• How to participate? Send us a video (maximun 10 SECONDS) just saying: "Happy Birthday Brian" or " Feliz Cumpleaños Brian" or "Buon Compleanno" "Jeyeux Anniversaire" or "Parabéns a você" , etc, etc.
But in yor OWN LANGUAGE, to show him that fans around the world support him and his family no matter where...

• W
here send the vid? : Put your language and country in the Subject before send:

God Bless!

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